

The process of bringing an object back to its original state; the process of restoring something.

At The RESPOND2GRACE Foundation, we believe the Restorative process starts with the understanding and acknowledgment that not one of the nearly 600,000 housing-insecure people in the US, set out with the dream or aspiration of living on the streets without food, water, clothing, or shelter.

In all probability, even those who started out with a disadvantage had and still have dreams and aspirations. Dreams of loving families, successful careers, access to healthcare, and the American dream. While we, the fortunate, have access to a more secure reality, we are not much different than our friends, the housing insecure. In reality, we are very much alike. At The RESPOND2GRACE Foundation, the restorative process places a greater emphasis on our similarities and not our differences. Our goal is to provide a path forward, reuniting with our original dreams, the same dreams we all share! We believe it is our "Respondsability" to walk alongside our friends, restoring hope and dreams in a sustainable way!


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